Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

Contoh personal language consultancy AHR-UGM

Sebelum saya purnakarya, sejumlah peserta kursus di Pusat Pelatihan Bahasa UGM sering mengirim pertanyaan tertulis yang berkaitan dengan pokok-pokok bahasan dalam buku latihan. Tanggapan saya disampaikan langsung kepada peserta kursus, juga secara tertulis. Beberapa tahun yang lalu tanggapan saya dirangkum kembali lewat terbitan sederhana untuk kalangan terbatas dalam format tanya-jawab berjudul LACAK (Language Consultancy Antara Kita) yang tertulis dalam bahasa nasional dan bahasa Inggris, sesuai dengan versi asli. Berikut ini sedikit cuplikan dari sumber data yang terhimpun untuk kelas persiapan TOEFL. (Sebagian kalimat mengalami pemangkasan redaksional).


Would you please give me the answer to each of the following TOEFL questions? Which part is wrong ? What is the correct form ?



1.   The error is in the choice of verb in D. In this sentence, the Indonesian equivalent of the last part (the second clause) is “bila laju inflasi naik/meningkat”. The right verb is rises (=goes up). The verb raise also exists but it is transitive, i.e. it takes a direct object and means “to lift up to a higher position/level, or to increase” (=menaikkan/meningkatkan/mengangkat).

      Compare :


2.   Something is missing after the word responsible, i.e. a preposition : for. This adjective + for can mean “to be the cause of” or “can be blamed for” (adalah/menjadi penyebab terjadinya sesuatu  atau dapat dipersalahkan), e-g. Smoking is responsible for many cases of lung cancer. Who is responsible  for breaking the mirror ? Note : In a context when this word’s equivalent in Indonesian is “bertanggung jawab” you should be careful with the use of prepositions : to and for.


Notice that to is equivalent to “kepada” whereas for is equivalent to “atas, mengenai, sehubungan dengan, terhadap”.



Setelah mengerjakan beberapa latihan, saya menemukan satu struktur kalimat yang tampaknya menggunakan pola tertentu, misalnya “It is the metallurgist who studies ways to work metals”.  “It was the dog which awakened me”.  “It is his grades that worry him”.  “It was in 1980 that Voyager transmitted photographs of Saturn to earth”.  “It was Albert Einstein who developed the theory of relativity”. Mohon penjelasan apakah ini pola khusus. Nama atau istilah apa yang digunakan untuk kalimat semacam ini dalam grammar.



Memang benar bahwa ada konstruksi dalam bahasa Inggris yang memungkinkan sebuah klausa  tunggal dibagi ke dalam dua bagian terpisah, masing-masing dengan verbanya sendiri. Biasanya disebut cleft sentence  (kalimat terbelah) yang dalam situasi tertentu dapat digunakan sebagai varian dari sebuah kalimat yang menggunakan normal pattern (pola biasa). Pola ini mengedepankan satu unsur (yang ditempatkan ke sebelah kiri) sebagai topik dan sekaligus memberi fokus pada unsur tersebut. Dari kalimat “Michael is driving a new car” kita dapat membuat cleft sentence : “It is Michael who is driving a new car” atau “It is a new car that Michael is driving”. Dalam percakapan, pola ini lazim terdengar :

         A = “Would you like to borrow this book?”

         B = “No, it’s the other book that I want to read”.

Pada ujaran B, obyek menjadi fokus. (Pola biasa : ”I want to read the other book”.) Dalam ragam bahasa lisan, kalimat ini diujarkan dengan nada atau intonasi tertentu : tekanan suara yang lebih tinggi pada No, other, dan read. Fokus pada topik (biasanya menunjukkan kontras) akan tampak lebih nyata bila kita ingin memperjelas penyangkalan yang tersirat : “It’s the other book, not that book, that I want to read.” Berikut ini contoh lain diberikan dalam pola biasa dan pola khusus :



Saya pernah lewat di depan sebuah bank dan melihat tulisan authorized money changer. Kemudian saya menyusuri jalan utama sampai di sebuah perempatan lalu belok ke kanan. Tak begitu jauh dari perempatan tadi saya melihat lagi tulisan di depan sebuah gedung yang berbunyi a leading and enlightening university. Apakah benar dugaan saya bahwa bentuk -ed dan -ing  pada tulisan itu termasuk verbal adjectives sebagaimana dibahas pada Latihan S-63,64,65 yang memberi contoh, antara lain frightening movies, frightened children, surprising gift, surprised youngster ?




Betul sekali. Mungkin Anda perlu sekali-sekali berkeliling kota lagi atau masuk ke supermarket untuk melihat contoh serupa : fried chicken, condensed milk, grated cheese, salted peanuts, corned beef.

Contoh lain yang menggunakan ing : revolving doors, smiling faces, rolling stones, flying saucers, smoking chimneys. Yang cukup menarik adalah penggunaan dua bentuk tersebut dalam satu frase, yakni Unidentified Flying Object (UFO).

Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

Contoh Terjemahan

Here is a sample of my translation extracted from a book entitled “A Reflection on the Development of Health Care in Sleman Regency, 2001-2005” published by the District Health Office of Sleman Regency. (Both versions are provided)


Kesehatan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar dari manusia, oleh karena itu perlu prioritas utama bersama-sama dengan pendidikan. Selama ini ada kesan bahwa pelayanan pemerintah atas kedua sektor tersebut tidak baik sehingga berdampak pada rendahnya kualitas sumber daya manusia. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah penyeragaman kebijakan secara nasional yang kurang mempertimbangkan spesifikasi daerah. Pada era desentralisasi sekarang ini sebenarnya daerah mempunyai tanggung jawab sekaligus kewenangan untuk mempersiapkan sumber daya manusia di daerahnya.
Di Kabupaten Sleman telah dirancang berbagai program di bidang kesehatan yang mencakup manusia sejak pranikah sampai usia tua sehingga perencanaan program tidak hanya upaya klinis untuk menyehatkan orang sakit tetapi lebih penting adalah upaya pencegahan agar orang tetap sehat dan produktif. Perjalanan panjang pembangunan kesehatan membuahkan hasil dengan peningkatan derajat kesehatan masyarakat yang dibuktikan dengan tingginya umur harapan hidup, rendahnya kematian ibu dan bayi serta peningkatan status gizi balita. Oleh karena itu sudah selayaknya jika Kabupaten Sleman memperoleh penghargaan dari pemerintah berupa “Manggala Karya Bhakti Kartika”. Dan upaya peningkatan mutu pelayanan telah dibuktikan oleh Dinas Kesehatan dengan sertifikat ISO 9001:2000.
Penghargaan tersebut bukan berarti untuk pemerintah daerah tetapi ditujukan bagi masyarakat Sleman yang telah berpartisipasi dalam pembangunan khususnya dibidang kesehatan. Pada kesempatan yang baik ini saya ucapkan selamat dan terima kasih kepada seluruh jajaran kesehatan maupun masyarakat atas kesuksesan tersebut, semoga hal ini menjadi pemicu untuk kesuksesan berikutnya.

Sleman, April 2006


Drs. Ibnu Subiyanto, Akt.


Health is one of man’s basic needs and it should therefore be given main priority along with education. The impression that people have of the government is that its performance in these two fields has not been satisfactory, resulting in the low quality of our human resources. One of the causes of this situation is the national adoption of indiscriminate policies with little consideration for regional peculiarities. In this era of decentralization, each region has the responsibility and authority to prepare its own human resources.
In Sleman Regency, various programs in the field of health have been designed to cater for the care of residents from the period before marriageable age until they reach old age, which means that the programs are concerned not only with clinical treatment of patients but also preventive measures to keep people healthy and productive. The long-lasting efforts in the development of health care have resulted in the community’s increased standards of health as evidenced by a longer life expectancy, low maternal and infant mortality rates as well as improved nutrition received by the underfives. It is therefore only appropriate and little wonder that Sleman Regency has had the honor of receiving the award of Manggala Karya Bhakti  Kartika from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia for its achievement. In addition, our District Health Office has received the ISO 9001:2000 certificate for its performance in providing high quality services to the community.
This recognition is essentially intended not purely for the regional government but for all the people of Sleman who have participated in development, particularly in the field of health services. On this happy occasion I would like to congratulate and express my gratitude to all the medical officers, paramedical staff and other health care professionals as well as the local community for this remarkable success in the hope that it will lead to further successes in the future.

Sleman, April 2006


Drs. Ibnu Subiyanto, Akt.


A.1. Geografi dan Demografi
Kabupaten Sleman merupakan salah satu Kabupaten yang ada di propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY), dengan luas wilayah 574,82 km2 (18% dari luas DIY), terdiri dari 17 Kecamatan, 86 desa, dan 1212 dusun. Kondisi geografis di bagian selatan merupakan dataran rendah yang subur, sedang bagian utara sebagian besar tanah merupakan tanah kering berupa ladang dan pekarangan. Di bagian utara ini permukaan tanahnya miring ke selatan dengan puncak adalah puncak gunung Merapi.
Berdasarkan registrasi penduduk dari Badan Pusat Statistik tahun 2005, jumlah penduduknya : 900.443 jiwa, dengan laju pertumbuhan penduduk 1,20%, jumlah Kepala Keluarga (KK) 240.356, dan rata-rata jiwa/KK 3,75. Data dari BPS menunjukkan bahwa tahun 2005 sebanyak 34,03% pekerja diserap sektor Pertanian, Peternakan, Kehutanan dan Perikanan, 17,10% pekerja pada sektor jasa Kemasyarakatan Sosial dan Perorangan dan 14,43% pekerja pada Perdagangan Besar, Eceran, Rumah Makan dan Hotel. Selain itu pekerja berpendidikan SMA/sederajat mendominasi yaitu 94,80%, Sarjana 2,60%, dan pendidikan SD dan SMP masing-masing 0,10% dan 1,10%.
Pendataan keluarga oleh Bidang Keluarga Berencana Dinas Tenaga Kerja, Sosial dan Keluarga Berencana, tercatat jumlah keluarga miskin pada tahun 2001 sebanyak 35.742 KK. Kemudian jumlah KK miskin berturut-turut tahun-tahun selanjutnya adalah 35.857 KK (tahun 2002), 49.669 KK (tahun 2003), 53.875 KK (tahun 2004) dan meningkat menjadi 60.739 KK (tahun 2005). Masalah lain yang berkaitan dengan demografi antara lain : angka ketergantungan (Dependency Ratio) 34,37% populasi usia 7-15 tahun 14,60%, populasi usia diatas 45 tahun sebesar 25%, diatas 60 tahun 9,95% dan migrasi penduduk positif 10.600 jiwa serta kepadatan penduduk mencapai 1.558/km2. Konsekuensi migrasi yang positif bagi daerah dituntut akan adanya infrastruktur yang memadai khususnya perumahan, air bersih dan sarana dasar lainnya, padahal Kabupaten Sleman merupakan daerah tangkapan air Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul.


A.1. Geography and Demography 
Sleman Regency is one of the regencies in the province of DIY, the Special Region of Yogyakarta, with an area of 574.82 km2 (18% of the DIY province). It consists of 17 subdistricts, 86 villages, and 1,212 hamlets. The southern part is a stretch of fertile lowlands whereas the northern part is mostly dry and encompassed by unirrigated rice fields and farmyards. The surface of the land in this part slopes away towards the peak of Mount Merapi.
According to a census taken by the Central Bureau of Statistics in 2005, the population was then 900,443 with a growth rate of 1.20%, 240,356 household heads with an average of 3.75 members per family. Data from the Bureau show that in 2005, 34.03% of workers were employed in the sectors of agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry and fisheries, 17.10% in the service sector, 14.43% in wholesale and retail trade as well as restaurants and hotels. Of these workers, 94.80% had had upper secondary education, 2.60% were college graduates, 0.10% and 1.10% had had primary and lower secondary education respectively.
According to the data from the Family Planning Section of the District Office of Manpower and Social Services, in 2001 there were 35,742 poverty-stricken families. This number increased sharply in subsequent years : 35,857 in 2002, 49,699 in 2003, 53,875 in 2004, and 60,736 in 2005. Other demographic problems were as follows : a dependency ratio of 34.37%, 14.60% of the population in the 7-15 age group, 25% of the population aged above 45, 9.95% above 60, positive migration of 10,600 residents, and a population density of 1,558/ km2. Positive migration requires adequate infrastructure, particularly housing, clean water, and other amenities, which poses a problem because Sleman is a catchment area for Yogyakarta and Bantul Regency.

Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

More about me :

To begin with, I’m a newly  retired civil servant. (When I told this to an old friend of mine, he responded with a surprised look of disbelief because he thought I looked much younger than my actual age, so I said to myself ‘I wish I could say I’m a newly married man’). Secondly, I’m a former lecturer, it is true, but first and foremost I’m an ardent lover and explorer of the English language.

       Allow me to recall what happened way back in the nineteen fifties  when I was a child in one of the remotest areas in Eastern Indonesia. My parents’ neighbour  was a young anthropologist from Britain who was conducting research on the folklore of the indigenous community there. During his work in my village, foreign officials (mostly from the United Nations Organization such as FAO and WHO) sometimes visited the village and were entertained by my parents in our modest home, and the young anthropologist was one of the guests.

       It was on these occasions that I first heard English spoken by foreigners during their conversations. In retrospect, I must say now that I fell in love with the sound of the English language. I thought then that it was a beautiful language, actually much more  beautiful than the Dutch language that my father spoke.

       This childhood experience seemed to have had a long-lasting effect as it affected my choice of the field of study when I entered upper secondary school. I chose the language and culture/literature stream in which foreign languages were taught : English, French, and German (though I also opted for old Javanese as one of my elective subjects). I remember vividly receiving a copy of a book containing a collection of fables written by the British anthropologist. (It was the result of his one-year research in my village.) It was  through this favourite book of mine that I first acquired my reading knowledge of English.

       Little wonder that I also decided to major in English at university in the sixties where I had the benefits of constant exposure to English, French, and German (and a bit of Latin). I have never regretted my choice because the seeds of “Love at first hearing” back in the mid-fifties actually developed into a deeper appreciation and broader knowledge of English.

       I owe a debt of gratitude to the young anthropologist by the name of Dr Rodney Needham, whom (almost by sheer chance) I had the pleasure of meeting again twenty years later at Oxford University, where he was Professor of Anthropology.

 Thirdly, being retired I no longer do my regular work and routine duties, and I particularly miss one activity that I enjoyed: my personal language consultancy outside working hours in which I responded to questions from students, former students, and colleagues sent to me by letter, memo, short message service, or electronic mail.

       Living in retirement, I would still be happy to share my interests with fellow lovers of English by exchanging information and trying to solve specific language problems in our learning process, or to show where to find answers and solutions.

       Lastly, I’d like to introduce and offer my private translation and editing services to anyone under the following categories:

a).  Anyone who wants to have an Indonesian text translated into English

b). Anyone who has produced his or her own translation of an Indonesian text into English but wants to have it edited.

c)  Anyone  who  has  written his or her own text  in English but  is not  confident  enough of its acceptability in terms of syntax (sentence structure), word choice, and style.


Note :  I prefer relatively shorter texts, i.e. between one and around ten pages (on well spaced quarto or foolscap paper).

    Here are some examples of texts I have in mind :

  • leaflets/brochures/pamphlets/broadsheets/prospectuses
  • letters of application and suchlike
  • letters of reference/recommendation
  • curriculum vitae
  • research proposals
  • announcement/public statements
  • contractual agreements
  • any other official documents

Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010


Pendidikan :
  • Sarjana Sastra Inggris UGM (1970); Spesialis I : Postgraduate Diploma in the Teaching of English Overseas, Institute of Education, University of Leads, Britain (1974); Pasca Sarjana : Master of Arts in Linguistics and ELT, Department of Linguistics, University of Leeds (1975)

Karya Terjemahan dan Suntingan :

  • Membongkar Bank Dunia, PT Penerbit Djambatan, Jakarta (2004); versi asli : Reinventing the world Bank, Cornell University (eds. Jonathan R. Pincus and Jeffrey A. Winters)
  • Current Developments of Law in Indonesia, Institute of Developing Economies-JETRO, TOKYO (1999), eds. Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri and Naoyuki Sakumoto. (Sebagai penyunting naskah berbahasa Inggris oleh pakar-pakar hukum).
  • Prosiding konperensi Antar Hubungan Bahasa dan Budaya di Kawasan Non-Austronesia, Pusat Studi Asia-Pasifik UGM (1996). (Sebagai penyunting naskah yang tertulis dalam bahasa Inggris).
  • Seri penerbitan tentang Amerika oleh Gadjah Mada University Press : Etos Amerika dan Nilai-nilai Amerika (1991); versi asli : American Ethos (H. McClosky & J. Zaller) dan American Values (R. Gabriel). (Sebagai penyunting hasil terjemahan)
  • Narasi dan ujaran hasil wawancara dalam film-film documenter, Off-Stream Documentary Resource Center, Jakarta (2005-2006). (Sebagai penerjemah paruh-waktu dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris).
  • Artikel dalam TEFLIN Journal, Universitas Negeri Malang, Penerbit : BKS Antar Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris di Indonesia; Sponsor : SEAMEO RELC Singapore (2002-2005). (Sebagai anggota tim reviewers).
  • Beberapa artikel dalam majalah NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Indonesia (2008). (Sebagai ‘reviewer’ hasil terjemahan).

Kegiatan profesional :

  • Anggota Redaksi JELL (Journal of English Language and Literature) terbitan Fakultas Sastra UGM (1984-1987)

  • Kerja sama “ITB-UGM-Leeds Academic Link Programme”  sebagai pengembang bahan ajar Exercise Typology : Grammar and Vocabulary berupa kunjungan ke Inggris (1994 dan 1996)
  • Redaktur Pathfinder (in-house publication) PPB-UGM (1997-1998)

  • Anggota tim pengembang proyek PGSM Dirjen DIKTI : penyusunan kurikulum dan silabus LPTK  diketuai  Prof. Soenardi Djiwandono (1996-2001)
  • Konsultan dan pemandu lokakarya penggunaan laboratorium  bahasa di ELTC/FKIP Universitas Haluoleo, Kendari : “Language Lab Methodology Workshop”; sponsor : Eastern Indonesia Universities Development Project (Oktober 1996)
  • Konsultan QUE Project, Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Kimia UGM, aspek ESP : Course Design, Needs Analysis, Evaluation of Materials (Agustus-September 2000)
  • Pemandu lokakarya di Pusat Pelatihan Bahasa Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, “Workshop on ESP : General Principles and Materials Development (September 2000)
  • Penyaji makalah pada seminar di Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta : “Foreign-Language Learning : Issues and Strategies” (April 2002)
  • Pengajar “English and Writing Skills” pada International Undergraduate Program, Fakultas Ekonomi UGM (2005-2006)
  • Penyunting Bahasa pada jurnal MANIFEST terbitan Program Pengkajian Amerika UGM (2006)
  • Panelis dalam seleksi wawancara program beasiswa IIEF dan Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program (2005-2009)

  • Fasilitator pada kegiatan “Academic Writing Skills Workshop” di Sekolah Pasca Sarjana; sponsor : Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia dan Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschapen (29 Juni – 3 Juli 2009)

Pengalaman kegiatan ilmiah :

  • Konperensi IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) di London (Maret 1975)
  • SEAMEO RELC Annual Conference di Singapura  (April 1990)
  • Seminar on Teacher Education, Hong Kong  Polytechnic, Kowloon (April 1991)
  • Second National Conference on English in High Schools and Universities in Indonesia : Bridging the Gap di PPB-ITB Bandung (September 2007)
  • Conference : Past, Present, Future : British ELT in Indonesia di Batu, Malang (Juli 1998) 
  • Seminar Nasional Terjemahan Karya Sastra dan Subtitling di Universitas Dian Nusantoro, Semarang (Mei 2008)

Riwayat Pekerjaan :

  • Pengajar       :   Universitas Gadjah Mada, FIB Jurusan Sastra Inggris (1973-2009)
  • Instruktur     Pusat Pelatihan Bahasa UGM (1975-2008)
  • Penyelia Akademik dan  Penerjemah/Penyunting  : Pusat Pelatihan Bahasa (2003-2009)
  • Pengajar tamu  :  Universitas Satya Wacana, Salatiga (1971-1973); Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta (1979-1982); Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi YKPN, Yogyakarta (1980-1995)

Jumat, 08 Januari 2010